Townsend Lane, Permanent install in a health centre waiting room.
The bus routes represent the arteries of the community and many people visiting the health centre will arrive on one of these buses. We liked the comparison of people waiting in a health centre looking at people waiting at Bus-stops.
The installation comprises two large plasma screens mounted portrait and showing random clips of the 72 local people we selected from a week long residency videoing people at bus stops.The videos where purposefully taken on hot days in the summer. The summer is an important consideration, as it will give all materials a positivity and brightness especially when viewed in the winter months.
A second element to the installation is based on the stories and images collected online around the the Bus theme. These images and sounds are updated weekly and reflect the themes of Past, present and future. The audio is based on short loops of interviews of local people fed through a hyper directional speaker that is only audible to people standing in front of the installation. The images are also triggered when people approach the installation and are displayed in clusters of collages based on any movement detected within 2 m of the screens.
The community engagement is led by tenantspin with ABCC, facilitating local people to make live recordings, work with the artists and also research other related material. Once the artwork is launched these community channels will still feed content into the project.
[In Townsend Lane there was] ‘a much greater emphasis on community involvement,
community engagement in the whole process. So it wasn’t a case of somebody producing a piece of art, bringing it in and then going away again…I just think in terms of what we are trying to achieve for LSHP. It feels better in that sense, because, you know, it’s more community design into the building, it’s integration, not just physically, a holistic effort, if you will. You know, it’s a community building, it’s there for the community, to actually have them feeling like part of it is quite a significant achievement.’
Andy Holmes, Design Coordinator at Galliford Try