June 3, 2014

TILO: Arts Digital RnD

May 5, 2014

time and weather

Example of content based around live data. The idea of using weather data was an obvious choice, and we definitelyRead more →


TILO: Arts Digital RnD

Tilo has been developed over the last 12 months as part of the Digital RnD fund in the arts. The collaboration was led by media artists MeYouandUs, with technical and strategic support from digital agency Amaze and digital signage company Pixel Inspiration.

The Institute of Consumer Psychology used quantitative methods to understand the publics flow and behaviour before and after the introduction of the TILO system. TheCreative Exchange at Lancaster University took a more qualitative arts research perspective on how an arts organisation might take advantage of smart screens in these spaces to explore new marketing, branding, social and curatorial approaches to public engagement. The system is being piloted in FACT Liverpool and Phoenix Leicester.

We want Tilo to become the industry standard system for digital screens in cultural venues. To create a network that can share a library of innovative digital projects to engage and communicate with their visitors in new ways.

For Tilo to commission artists to create new and showcase existing work. Especially with interactive and personalised projects that engage audiences and venues over tim

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time and weather

Example of content based around live data. The idea of using weather data was an obvious choice, and we definitely went to town on this. We use live local weather data from the BBC combined with hardware temperature and humidity sensors on the “internet of things” ninja block platform. This data is then combined with the time, date, sunset and evening to create keywords that are in turn used to query a curated list of flickr groups to bring back contextual images to form a simple animated visualisation. On paper, this all sounded boringly complicated but the end result is a surprisingly mesmerising and during sunsets even a little romantic.

One of the mini projects created as part of TILO A Hybrid display system for cultural venues

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